Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ostriches and Cactuses (i.e. No I Will Not Call It By Its Proper Name of "Cacti")

"Melodramatic" is not like me at all, and I can't pull it off in person, but it just screams in neon lights whenever I write something. I can't help it.

Anyway, my last post displeased my sister, so I took it down for this reason. The condensed version of it is that my dad got laid off. I avoided telling any of my friends for a week and as a result I had to vent here and coat it in ridiculous amounts of melodrama. It wasn't really that bad, I was upset when he told us, but I laughed the whole time (nervous habit). I am afraid of what it means, exactly, but my reactions to that vary as much as the differences between an ostrich and a cactus. Sometimes I get extremely worried and think everything is going downhill and OH MY GOD A REPEAT OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION! And other times I just think it's probably better this way and that my dad's much happier.

Now, back to something much less interesting: I have finals starting tomorrow. I haven't studied at all.