Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More drivers ed, Harry Potter, and politics

In my post about more-boring-than-usual things, I shall begin with more about Drivers Ed. Today I finally filled out all my permit info with help from my mother and when I tried to turn it in, I got the envelope promptly returned with a sticky note on it saying "b/c you answered 'yes' to a medical question, you have to interview @ the DPS in person." Yeah, I'm pretty thrilled...

I also watched the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince trailer last night, which was a huge disappointment. I'll try to say this in the most non-spoilery manner possible (though you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself if you still haven't read the book!): it was chock full of old Voldy and the Half Blood Prince was nowhere to be seen. How utterly pointless. I also got my schedule fairly recently (school schedule), and it appears I have none of the teachers I wanted. I really wanted to get my crazy homeroom teacher for religion (because although he's a bit nutters, his class sounds fascinating) and the honors English teacher who's the husband of the librarian at my old school, but I got different teachers instead. Oh well.

On another note, I stumbled across a "Why are you a Republican in 2008?" video contest on Youtube and had a great deal of amusement in watching the replies. One was particularly cliche, taking the typical route and mentioning "because I believe in God and the Bible." Oh yes, because--of course--Democrats are entirely incapable of theological ties and the Bible specifically states "thou shalt be a Republican." As someone who lives in an area full of these crazies, I'm fully aware that this is a very typical neo-Conservative approach... however, when randomly smooshed in with long tangents about soldiers and money (and with none of the usual "...and the Bible says homos are an abomination and those heathen Democrats promote the gay agenda!" following it, it seemed quite unreasonable. Without having even a ridiculous reason following the statement, it sounds absolutely absurd. And on the topic of politics, in all honesty my enthusiasm for Obama is waning a bit with regard to the state of his campaign recently. Now, is it just me, or has a touch of tailoring been done to his beliefs to please the Moderates and Republicans? In any case, Gravel remains my backup hero. I love that man... if he actually had a chance, I'd be all over his campaign.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Drivers ed and other such things

Back from Spain now, obviously. It was quite a trip to say the least. There's a lot I could say about it, but I think it will suffice to say it was a blast and that almost everyone got in trouble for one thing or another.

My mother, my sister, and I also went to Minnesota after Spain. That was not nearly as fun though, and as a matter of fact, we left about five hours earlier than we needed to in order to get the airport just for the sake of getting away. We were there visiting my mother's side of the family, and they're a little crazy to say the least. They're all quite judgmental, despite the fact that none of them are religious at all (I know, I know... way to generalize). I think they like me, but in all honesty I'm not fond of them at all. I don't really like any of my extended family save three to five people.

Now I'm taking drivers ed with my friend Jazz and today my father brought an additional drivers ed course I have to complete in order to get a discount on my insurance (which is going to take forever). I'm not getting a car any time soon, however. When I do though, I want an old-fashioned pick-up truck or a Jeep. Too bad they're not very environmentally efficient... and the repairs would be hell to pay.

Anyway, I changed the color scheme of my blog. I don't think pink fits me very well. Neither does green I suppose, but I like this layout and blue just looked godawful.