Friday, January 4, 2008

I suppose this could be called an introduction

Well..... I found my little sister Natalie's blog and she insisted I make one myself. I'm not really into this whole blogging business but whatever, it should be interesting.

For an introduction, I'm the crazy liberal daughter of family (thus the name of the blog). My parents are moderates by the way, thank god. I don't think I could deal with a conservative family. I am a freshman at a crazy Catholic all girls high school and my Facebook buddies from there join ridiculous groups like "boycott The Golden Compass" (which was a fabulous movie by the way), it's very embarrassing. My mother and sister are Episcopalian, my father is Agnostic, my mom's family is Catholic, my dad's family is Mormon, and I'm Deist--I'm not very religious.

What's going on in my life right now that I don't feel like further embellishing on until something new happens in that area:
1. My ex-boyfriend from 6th grade (whom I have not even had a real conversation with at least two years) apparently is still talking constantly about me and recently mentioned to one of my friends that he is going to slash my tires when I get a car
2. School starts again on Monday (oh boy!)


Wendy said...

Nice to meet you! Haha I cracked up about the Golden Compass boycott. I live in San Francisco, everyone here is pretty much democratic and theres just alot of freedom.

Ana said...

Pleasure to meet you!

Wow a boyfriened from 6th grade still holds a grudge. Immaturity.

The golden compass is great! Silly about boycotting.

Tara said...

I love your blog already =D

Your ex sounds very immature xD

Sydney said...

hey this is sydney, natalie's friend... you can ask her about me

;) wink wink

trade links?


Sydney said...

i <3 ur blog btw... :P